r - Speeding up matlab file import -

I am trying to load a matlab file with the package R.matlab . The problem is that it is loading indefinitely (like table & lt; - readMat ("~ / desktop / hg18_with_miR_20080407.mat") . I have a broad institute ( hg18_with_miR_20080407.mat ).

You can find it here:

I was thinking: someone package Have tried and have similar problems?

(hopefully useful, but in fact no answer , Although there was a lot of formatting for this comment)

I think you might need to use the python to save the file in a more appropriate format with matlab access or for data processing. "Hang up" for me (OS X 10.9, P 3.1.1) The following functions in Python:

  import scipy.io mat = scipy.io.loadmat ("hg18_with_miR_20080407.mat")  

(You can work with RG and cyto 'crufty numpy arrays, but they can not be converted to JSON with json.dumps and even jsonpickle.encode lungs of errors (i.e., you will not be able to use rPython` to access that object which is the original I was looking at the solution), so any sorting in the file (and, I believe the result will be JSON

your options are as follows:

  • Find a friend to replace it (as previously suggested)
  • CSV files
  • Use Matab
