objective c - Changing view transform changes views positions on iOS 7 but not on ios8 -

I have a Container View Controller, it adds another controller to the child's view controller, and to view the hierarchy Its idea for.

So now I have:

  UIView * self.view // Main view UIView * childView // View of Child Visual Controller  

I have UIImageView * imageView as the child for childview . ImageView binds its parents with obstacles left, right and some stabilized (12 digits) from the top

When I tap the button, I slide the child's view with the following scene I:

  - (zero) swipedown: (UISwipeGestureRecognizer *) Sender {if (sender.state = = UIGestureRecognizerStateRecognized & Self.menuOpened) {[UIView Chetanovic: Duration: 0.2 Delayed: 0 Option: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn Animation: ^ {self.childView.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate (CGAffineTransformIdentity, 0, 120); } Closing: ^ (BOOL Finish) {}]; }}  

Problem - Before the animation starts, imageView transfers its position in some amount before and after the animation in some brain volume This can be done by changing the obstacle, but it is a filthy hack because it requires different values ​​for different devices.

How it should look and actually work on iOS 8:

Enter image details here

How does it look on iOS 7 (settings label is irrelevant, notice the status of the image in relation to the navigation bar):

< Img src = "https://i.stack.imgur.com/gCvD7.png" alt = "Enter image details here">

Again, the transform works on iOS 8, however , No SubViews are taken while changing the scene Has exited SubViews control on iOS 7. How can I fix this?

OK, take a look at the autolayout that does not work with CGAffineTransform

< / Div>
