ios - Incorrect image during UIViewAnimationTransitionFlip, but ok before and after animation -

I have got a UITWeview in which I display a list of items, a UIView ( viewFlipContainer ) which includes two other views (with the view image with UIImageView and viewPlayer with EVCircularProgressView). When the user taps the photo, I use this code to flip it in the progress view:

  [UIView startAnimations: zero reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 0.5]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView: viewFlipContainer Cache: No]; See picture hidden = yes; ViewPlayer.hidden = NO; [UIView commitAnimations];  

And when the user taps to stop the playback, I use the same code for the "unflip" views (but hidden assets and UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight ) With When the second cell is playing and the user taps the other, the first one is unplugged

Everything works as a charm, but there is a bad little problem which I have been using for almost a week. I'm fighting with

For example, there are 20 rows in my list if I tap on image # 1, to scroll the list, hide it off the screen, then tap on # 12 (and this audio buffer And then on) on the screen, tap something else, like "Unflip" animation shows some random image at # 13 # 12 during the image (I think it is a picture of the cell that went to the previous office Was) when the animation ends The picture goes back to one, it should be. While all the tapped images are on the screen, it all works.

This is my puzzle because the image is correct before and after the animation, but it is different during animating. I am using reloadData only while changing all the data sources and I am using reloadRowsAtIndexPaths to update the playback progress on the "Running" cell I am doing

If there is anything else that can be useful and I have left it, please tell me, I will try to update it, but whatever I could not share (this is a commercial app But I'm working).

Edit # 1 In the same way I am loading cells in the UTable view:

  - (UITableViewCell *) Table view: ( UITableView *) tableView CellForAindindpath: (NSINXAP *) IndexPath {T VCCL * cell = [TableView DEQURUBCCL White Identifier: @ "cell"]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[TVCC Alok] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: @ "cell"]; } NSSizer * line = [Staff Tudosplay ObjectAutandex:]; UITapGestureRecognizer * Tap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self action: @Selector (userstoppad playback :)); [Cell.viewPlayer addGestureRecognizer: Tap]; Celltag = [[row objectForcae: @ "id"] integer value]; [Cell setDataForCellFromDictionary: line]; Return cell;  

setDataForCellFromDictionary This is just a method that sets all UILabels and UIImages according to the data in the dictionary
