I am from Russia, and 1,5 days before (2 AM, October 26) our timezone (OK, offset Off our timezone) has changed - UTC + 4 to UTC + 3. Please, do not ask why - this is out ******* Government :( But it changed.
My home Win 8.1 machine was updated automatically.
but only one (!) has been updated my Aejhyur resources. the went updated a cloud service, while another cloud service and 4 websites updates - they still UTC + 4 offset.
I know all the blue servers are in settings in UTC, but I have timeZoneInfo on them Let's talk about the issue.
I'm requesting
var TZ = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById ( "Russian Standard Time")
and (UTC + 04: 00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd while my home machine in (UTC + 03: 00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (RTZ 2) AFAIK, depending on the system on the server Updates - Replacement of any time really new time The data should be accessed first. But why are not the servers updated? One of my cloud service is now working properly, showing the correct timezone information (it can not be shown), so at least one server has been updated properly, while others Are not there. I created a small website to test it: (source :) This timezone shows information. At this time from local information and "Russian standard time", this shows in Azure: This shows in my local machine:
Eid Russia Standard Time DisplayName (UTC + 04: 00) Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Volgograd StandardName Russia standard time DaylightName Russian daylight time BaseUtcOffset 04: 00:00 SupportsDaylightSavingTime really DateTimeOffset.UtcNow 2014/10/27 14:37:58 00: 00 TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, TZ) 2014/10/27 18:37:58 04: 00
ID Russian Standard Time Display Name (UTC + 03: 00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (come TZ 2) StandardName Russia TZ 2 Standard Time DaylightName Russia TZ 2 Daylight Time BaseUtcOffset 03:00:00 SupportsDaylightSavingTime really DateTimeOffset.UtcNow 27.10.2014 14:33:50 00: 00 TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, TZ) 27.10.2014 17: 33:50 + 03: 00
The most likely reason is that different guests Services running on OS "version" You may have updated guest guest updates ( osVersion = "*"
) which means that the Azure guest is free to update the OS to the same family Separate guest OS Including Nskrn including different sets of updates. Things like the rules for adjusting the timezone are usually distributed using updates.
Look at the guest OS update feed - they can not leave a new OS for all users for months already. This process was started several times, they update some users and then Stop the process. It is possible that your "appropriate work" service was updated to the OS and other services did not get OS updates. You can probably confirm that you get the Admin API Deployment Call.
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