Using Google Sheets Menu with Google Apps Script -

I am new to Google Apps Script and would like to explore some insights into a feature that I would like to implement.

I am using Google Analytics add-ons in Google Sheets to report on our site. I have already set up a script to send daily reports, but still have to manually run reports using add-ons. Is there a way to access the add-on menu using Google Apps Script?

I want to add the functionality to click 'Run Reports' in the GA Add-ons menu before my daily email script. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I thinks what do you mean that you are within a sheet , And you want to be able to press Add-on-> Add-ons names to run the report.

You can not do this until your script published add-on is available. To download anyone, add it to the store, it is unlikely that you want to do this.

Instead, you want to create a custom menu. Find an example I'm not going to copy / paste my sample, because I'm leaving it as much as it is.

Although with its sounds, you can choose to create timed triggers, the easiest way to do this is to open your script, press' Resources' -> Current Project Trigger -> 'Click here to add one now Do 'This will allow you to set a time based trigger to run for example every day.
