I need to generate a table (HTML / CSS) with 4 cells inside (4 boxes at the top of another Think I have two questions -
If text overflows, how can I determine the width and height of each box without scroll bars (they can have different height ) If the text overflows, then the height (and width) of the cell should be in the same size and Any overflow will hide the text.
Using PHP (no framework) How can I assign these 4 cells to each of the four wire cells in a 4 database? Like $ string [1] does in cell # 1, $ string [2] goes to cell # 2 and so on. Thankyou
Here is the HTML / PHP that generates the table (in a calendar)
& lt; Table width = "700" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cell field = "0" bg rangar = "# 000000" & gt; '& Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Width of table = "100%" range = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "1" & gt; ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ days_in_month; $ i ++) {'echo' & lt; Td width = \ "100 \" height = \ "100 \" class = \ "$ class \" & gt; \ N "; echo" & lt; Div align = \ "right \" & gt; & Lt; Span class = \ "daynumber \" & gt; $ I & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; \ N "; '// Count the cells in the entire row, and if the = 7 line is finished and start again'} '
etc. (My calendar code is well , Works against me, contrary to my vain attempts to format my code)
I store "events" in my SECL db, and when i = date in db, i output the text I'm complicated bit in my respective box with 4 separate event "data" Trying to insert (see Q2 above).
width and To fix the height and to prevent overflow, you can use the CSS class.
. {Width: 200px; height: 100 pixels; hidden sediment;}
To do this you have to use a foreach or loop
foreach ($ queryResult $ $) {"$ $ ['stringOne']" resonate; resonance " $ Rs ['stringTwo'] "; resonance" $ r S ['stringthree'] "; "$ $ ['StringFour'] 'echo; }
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