php - Fixed table height with 4 cells inside (no scroll bars) & assigning text to each cell -

I need to generate a table (HTML / CSS) with 4 cells inside (4 boxes at the top of another Think I have two questions -

  1. If text overflows, how can I determine the width and height of each box without scroll bars (they can have different height ) If the text overflows, then the height (and width) of the cell should be in the same size and Any overflow will hide the text.

  2. Using PHP (no framework) How can I assign these 4 cells to each of the four wire cells in a 4 database? Like $ string [1] does in cell # 1, $ string [2] goes to cell # 2 and so on. Thankyou

Here is the HTML / PHP that generates the table (in a calendar)

  & lt; Table width = "700" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cell field = "0" bg rangar = "# 000000" & gt; '& Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Width of table = "100%" range = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "1" & gt; ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ days_in_month; $ i ++) {'echo' & lt; Td width = \ "100 \" height = \ "100 \" class = \ "$ class \" & gt; \ N "; echo" & lt; Div align = \ "right \" & gt; & Lt; Span class = \ "daynumber \" & gt; $ I & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; \ N "; '// Count the cells in the entire row, and if the = 7 line is finished and start again'} ' 

etc. (My calendar code is well , Works against me, contrary to my vain attempts to format my code)

I store "events" in my SECL db, and when i = date in db, i output the text I'm complicated bit in my respective box with 4 separate event "data" Trying to insert (see Q2 above).

  1. width and To fix the height and to prevent overflow, you can use the CSS class.

    . {Width: 200px; height: 100 pixels; hidden sediment;}

  2. 100);

    1. To do this you have to use a foreach or loop

      foreach ($ queryResult $ $) {"$ $ ['stringOne']" resonate; resonance " $ Rs ['stringTwo'] "; resonance" $ r S ['stringthree'] "; "$ $ ['StringFour'] 'echo; }
