jbpm - Getting Nodes from Drools-Guvnor -

I am using jbpm 5.4. I have made my workflows in Drolas Guanor before starting workflow. I have to get node details about the work flow. Is there any way to do that? any suggestion?

I found a solution like this:

  org.drools.definition.process.Process process = kbase.getProcess ("defaultPackage.org.Task"); Node-contracted container = (node ​​container) process; Node [] node = container.getnode (); For (node ​​node: nodes) {out.println ("This is a human work" + node.getName ()); Out.println ("This is a human work" + node .getMetaData ()); Maps & lt; String, Object & gt; Map = node.getMetaData (); (String key: map.keySet ()) {out.println ("key :::" + + key + "value ::" + map.get (key)); }}  
