Excel cell displaying zero instead of a calculated / referenced value -

I am exporting an excel file as source to Excel file with Apache POI and some cells (Not in all) Just referring others (such as = 'worksheet2' .1313 ) or referenced cells (like = 'worksheet2'.C13 +' worksheet2'.D13 ) With a value calculation, they only display zero (0) instead of the correct value.

The strange thing is that when I click on the formula and change something in it, I'm typing a location and removing it and then I type, the right value is displayed!

For information, the type of cells is "number / standard".

I have also read somewhere that I should check "Enable recurring calculation" in "Excel option", but

With the help of John Bustos and @gagrawaver, I used this problem: wb.getCreationHelper (). CreateFormulaEvaluator (). EvaluateAll (); Apparently, the results of the first calculation of Excel cache (in my case this source was zero in the excel file) and to make us update recalculate Need to trigger.

Check out this link: / section: "recalculate formulas"
