node.js php session whit out redis and memcached -

I have a site that is distributed by PHP and each user has a session when it is logged in Then it is stored in php file.

My question is this: It is possible, how to do the session with a memcatch, without taking again or memkatching, to move session from php file to node.js server or if not ?

  & lt ;? Php session_id ($ _ GET ['sessionId']); Echo json_encode ($ _ session);  

Then in your node. Js app, you can get /getSessionData.php?sessionId=0123456789abcdef or whatever you are aware that you Lock this script below so that it is completely accessible to your other applications. Otherwise, you will open yourself up to a dirty security hole. Also, if you are not already walking session ID, then you should rewrite your session handler so that you can request to play again with the old session ID Be tough
