I have imported the DRL file and have a pojo as a personal jar file in Gojnor. I can see the dependent classes displayed as reality for personal rules and Guvnor exposes those rules through the URL. I use the changes to use the URL and apply the rules of my data. When I do this, I get an exception message for all the classes imported into the DRL file.
Unable to analyze expression
[Error: Unable to resolve method using mode: org.drools.spi.KnowledgeHelper ***]
Can anyone help me in solving this issue?
Thank you in advance!
Without seeing the DRL, I suppose. I suspect that you are using the 'mvel' dialect, but your DRL is talking about things that believe in Java quote. You can see an example of this here:
If you post to the DRL, then I would like to reconsider this change and change it May be required. :)
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