bower - Unable to find suitable version for underscore -

I get the following error:

  Message: Unable to find the appropriate version for underscores Description: Code: ECONFLICT chooses: [object object], [object object], [object object]  

with the following boer file, this error I have never come before I have interactive shell Can not be used because it is constantly deployed for integration. We like to use the packages on the verge of the Github repo link (why not ask me). "Nickbird", "version": "0.0.1", "main": "src / css / style.scss", "dependency": {"backbone ":" jashkenas / backbone.git # 1.1.2 "," underscore ":" Jashkenas / underscore.git # 1.6.0 "," aisis-bootstrap-theme ": " AdamKyle / Aisis-Bootstrap-Theme.git # 0.5.0", "selectize.js": "GIT brianreavis / selectize.js.git # 0.8", "underscore.string ":" epeli / underscore.string.git # v2.3.2 "," jquery-bootpag ":" git @ botmonster / jquery-bootpag.git # 1.0.5 "," underscore Inflation ":" jeremyruppel / underscore.inflection.git "," moment ":" moment / moment.git "," bootstrap-markdown ":" Toopay / bootstrap-markdown.git # 2.5.0 "," Markdown-Jay S ":" Badstrack / Markdown -js.git # v0.5.0 "," To-Markdown ":" domchristi E / To-Marktown. Git # v0.0.2 ", "Font-awesome": " Fort Avend / Font-Awesome.git # 4.2.0", "Reactionor": "git @ github. "Com: Reaction / Reaction-Bower. Git # 0.11.1", "Showdown": " Korean / Showdown.c # 0.3.1", "Pure": " Yahoo / Pure.git # 0.5.0 "}}

Any ideas what's going on? Is this a bug? Or is just a developer stupid?

There is a conflict between 3 different editions of your underscores.
The reason for this is that up to 3 out of your dependence is underscores: nightbird, backbone and underscore. In Faulking.
You can see the following information using the latest version of BOVER:

  To find the appropriate version for the underscores, please select one: 1) Underscore # 1.6.0, which That has been solved for 1.6.0 and is required by nightbird 2) underscore # & gt; = 1.5.0 which has been resolved 1.6.0 and is necessary for this vertebrate # 1.1.2 3) Underscore # ~ 1.7.0 which has been solved for 1.7.0 and underscores Infusion # 1.2.0  

In the case of resolution by adding the following to your specific bower.json you will emphasize using this 1.6.0 in this example:

  "Resolution": {"Underscore": "1.6.0"}  
