I want to change the URL for each time a ng-included
instruction partial requests. Up to now, I can see the URL and this type of incident:
app.run (function ($ rootsecope) {$ at $ Rootscope. $ ('$ IncludeContentRequested', function (event) , Url) {console.log (event); console.log (url);});});
Now I should be able to change the URL from 'templates / incs / includedPartial.html'
to 'templates / incs / includedPartial.html. ? Cache_version = 1_1 '
, then include partially with the new link.
Obviously I'm doing this to prevent caching problems on version changes. Is this a good strategy or a better solution? Thanks in advance for any help ...
I think I really know the answer have put. What you can do to create an interceptor since all requests with NG actually go through the normal $ httpProvider, so you can block the request and add a cache booster.
app.factory ("cacheBusterFactory", ["VERSION", function (VERSION) {return {request: function (configuration) {if (config.url.indexOf (".html", Config.url.length - ".html" .length)! == -1) {config.url + "? V =" + VERSION.toString ();} return conversion;}};}]);
In this case "VERSION" is an angle constant that I change on each deployment:
app.constant ("VERSION", 0.1);
And adding a cache booster is as simple:
.config (["$ httpProvider", function ($ httpProvider) {$ httpProvider.interceptors .push ("CacheBusterFactory");}])
As you can see, I only block .html files, because only those people need to add me the cash busting. You can expand or rebuild "CashBuster Factory" according to your needs.
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