can we drop a file to a folder location automatically using camel,or at a set period of time(not intervals)? -

Iam is trying to automate the test of a Java bundle, which will delete the file once in a particular folder. are given.

Can we automatically discard one file from a folder location using a tissue, or in a fixed duration (without interval)?

Is it possible by camel or should we include other structures?

Sure, you can use component And (read / process files

consumer-> processing-> production

  ("Alternatively, you can produce a file from time to time And can drop it anywhere  

("file: // outputdir") ("file: // outputdir"); Process (& lt; dosomething & gt; (" File: // inputdir ");

 from  (" timer: // foo? FixedRate = true & duration = 60000 "). Process (& lt; cre AteFileContent> Code> 
