aem - Unable to send data to Sitecatalyst with function CQ_Analytics.record -

I am working on the POC associated with AEM and site catalytic integration.

The Geomatrixx website outside of the AIM box I'm using outside of the site that already applies site catalytic features.

Data is being populated for reporting suits • Data tracking (on page load) Data-tracking = "{'event': ['eventName'], 'value': 'value ', Next value'}, component path: 'myapp / component / mycomponent'} "

• CQ_Analytics.record (after page load, active CQ_Analytics.record ( {Event: 'eventName', value: {valueName: 'VALUE'}, submit: wrong, option: {obj: this, default link type: 'X'} UseCase: when I'm adding a product to the cart below , Then CQ_Analytics.record is executed But the cart is unable to send additional data. For site catalyst I have verified using Adobe Digital debugger

add /libs/commerce/components/product/product.jsp function trackcart Code (snippet) from form (form) {

  if (CQ_Analytics.Sitecatalyst) {var productQuantity = Number ($ ("input [name = 'product-quantity']" ", form) .val ( ) '1'); var productprice = number ($ ("input [name = 'product-size']: checked", form). Data ('value'). Replace (/ [^ 0-9 \\.] / G, '')); Var productChildSku = $ ("Input [name = 'product-size']: checked", form). Data ('scooo') CQ_Analytics.record ({"event": ["cartAdd" , "value": productPrice * productQuantity, "quantity": productQuantity, "evars": {"childSku": CQ.shared.Util.htmlEncode (ProductChildSku)}}}}, "component path": "& lt;% = xssAPI.encodeForJSString (resource .getResourceType ())%>"});} back true;}  
< P> Note: I have mapped the product variable for the report suite in AEMM Please guide me .
