iOS Core Bluetooth (LE): App crash when handling different views -

I have two ideas: a central table view where all searchable devices appear and see a description that the user connect

This works by:

  • Discovery device
  • Connect to device
  • Read
  • When I come back in detail through "back" -

  • Callback function for button

    < Pre> override func viewDidAppear (Animated : Bull) {if (! FirstStart) {tableView.reloadData () println ("Appeared!") Is called DiscoverDevices ()}


    but its after I'd finished a EXC_BAD_ACCESS my Khojdiwais () function is the following:

      func discoverDevices () {println ( "search tools ......") service with centralManager.scanForPeripherals (zero, option: zero)}  

    the "Central Manager. ScanForPeripheralsServices (zero option: zero) may cause some problem" - but only after the callback. From the beginning everything is fine. Do I have to set some representative somewhere? I can not understand anything with the "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" error.

    Do I have to restart the central manager? Do I have to restart it?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Kind regards, Steve

I have removed it from myself Was peripheral. It was specified that I had to set up again in the main table view. Now everything is going smooth.

Perhaps it helps in other new ones.
