git - Confusion on gitignore file tracking -

I'm having trouble understanding how .gitignore file works.

Say I have the following .gitignore:

  / db / *. Sqlite3 /log/*.log/public/uploads/ *  

On all my computers, I have a file /db/development.sqlite3

My questions are:

  1. If the file is already in the repository, then what if every time I pull the GIT, should the version be brought down in the repo?

  2. Drag the file into all the files in the Geglaar file or need to unlock to push or push repo?

  3. If I decide to add another line / TMP / ** / * in my GeTGnOR after the fact, then do I need to go to each workstation / live server Untrek files? And do I need a version of repo / tmp / ** deleted? **

if the file is already in the repository Every time I pull the GIT, will the version bring down the repo?

  • One will not already have a cumulative file. To do this you need to do this

Do not need to untreck on all systems to drag or push files in a GITgnore file?

  • Unless you download the changes and merge it into your current branch, it should not be required if you do not do so you may have to face some errors.

If I decide to add another line / TMP / ** / * in my ZetaGaur after the fact, then do I need to go into it? Untreck each workstation / live server file? And do I want to push that version into a reporter which has been removed / TMP / **? **

  • The answer to the first part is above you will need to push this version with this new route deleted
