php - Conditional tags not working, why? -

I am trying to use custom templates for a woocommerce category, but conditionally can not work, do I Something misses here? I

  & lt; Php woocommerce_get_template_part ('content', 'single-product-ken') I am trying to change; ? & Gt;  

To do this:

  & lt ;? Php if (is_product_category ('cans') {woocommerce_get_template_part ('content', 'single-product-ken');} and {woocommerce_get_template_part ('content', 'single-product')}}  

It throws this error: syntax error, unexpected '{'

another Due to missing) (bracket bracket)

  if (is_product_category ('cans') { 


  if (is_product_category ('cans')) { 

Try to read the error correctly, giving you line numbers and details Which you are missing
