I'm working on using my site's pure CSS module (). I really like it so far. One thing that I do not understand how this interacts in the media is on the grid page, this is what it says:
Default media queries
When you have a responsive grid If you use, you can control how the grid behaves on a specific breakpoint by adding class names. The default responsive grid of the net comes with the following category names and the media query breakpoint.
So I want to add some custom handling "XL" breakpoint How do I do it? Besides, how do I know which category to add to my content? I asked the question before the media. I just could not wrap my head around my head how they did it.
Hi I use my own net because the bootstrap is boring and bloated, to do something out of the box Why not try ... Break points on XL queries are easy, keep your CSS class, power grid can also be, all can also be broken, so can say. Sidebar you want it to move to the XL location which are located there. You can also refine the different screen-size breakpoints on your site, if you are looking for I hope it helps. But I'm not sure that you are using WordPress but my developers and designers will be ready for a pure topic soon!
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