I see a way to add a dropdown in Confluence so that the user can either close the ability to do the content Auto-refresh or set the interval for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes.
I was playing with the Meta tag and wondering if I could do something like this: & lt; Meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "+ refresh_param +" & gt;
However, it does not actually use the ultimate created one. What is another way to do this?
The page is designed to show the Sergred graph for monitoring purposes. In view of this, in reality, only the graph needs to be refreshed, I am in IMG & amp; R = '+ Refresh_param +' tried to add, but no luck too.
I am quite new to this and anyone will love any input. Thank you very much before.
You should use the code:
set intervals (' Window.location.reload () ',' refresh_param '); // where the time of refresh_perm is in millisecond, after which will be refreshed.
You can use the setTimeout ('window.location.reload ()', 'refresh_param');
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