How does the empty headline for tiles in the Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight app with WMS?
Without WMS, I could just set the DisplayName
to WMAppManifest.xml
in the empty string and it worked with WMS, I < Can not set code> DisplayName to Package.appxmanifest
in an empty string, so the app title is always shown on medium tiles and I do not see it there. In fact, this is not the same as the title of the app you will display. By default, the title of the app will be displayed to you. But when you update the tile with TileUpdateManager, you can remove the title. Set the "Branding" attribute to "None"
var tileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent (Tiletyplatform type.TileWidePeekImageAndText01); Var tileImageAttributes = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName ("image"); (XMLAlment) tile image attributes [0]) .etcetitivit ("src", "MS-Apadata: /// local" + widebandcurrency URI local path); Var branding attribute = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName ("binding"); (XML Affiliate Branding Attribution [0]) Set Attribution ("Branding", "None"); TileXml.SelectSingleNode ("// text [@ id = 1]"). Intrext = wideback resource; Tile notification tile notifications = new tile notifications (tile extensions); . TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication () update (tileNotification); You can add the following code before new tile notifications
. var squareTileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent (tiletypeplat type.tileSquarePeekImageAndText04); Var class tile axle property = class tile Xml.GetElementsByTagName ("image"); (XMLAlment) SquareTilaxelAitivets [0]). Sitetitivit ("src", "MS-AppData: /// Local" + Background Yuri. Local Path); Var brandingquery attribute = Squirrel Xml.GetElementsByTagName ("binding"); (XML Affiliate BrandingSquare Attribute [0]) Set Attribution ("Branding", "None"); SquareTileXml.SelectSingleNode ("// text [@ id = 1]"). InnerText = backContent; IXmlNode node = tileXml.ImportNode (SquareTile Xml.GetElementsByTagName ("binding"). Items (0), true); . TileXml.GetElementsByTagName ("view") item (0) .AppendChild (node);
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