web services - Rails Queue Across All Active Users -

completely rephrasing my question

I'm the API user who has become throttled and sure Need to do that I have to mess up my calls which can come from many different sources. Actually I need to reverse

Can I actually have a global value below which can be accessible from every user joining the session? Or there is already a gem that tells me the maximum of 4 API calls per second according to the API's requirements, according to Qi requests

An app says the detailed queue variable's idea:

 < Code> rake_qua = {: API_name1 = & gt; ['2014/11/26 13:00:00', '2014/11/26 13:00:01', '2014/11/26 13:00:01'],: API_Name2 = & gt; ['2014/11/26 13:00:01', '2014/11/26 13:00:01', '2014/11/26 13:00:01'], etc.}  

My thinking is to add a timestamp for each request, and the people who have been expired each time will be purified by the next full API call and / or upcoming incoming call by the incoming API call.
