I am trying to install vim-scala and vim-sensible plugins using Vundle. I followed the instructions given here:
I have in my my ~ / .vim
directory: a vendor downloaded from the tutorial. 'Bundle' Name folder.
In my ~ / .vimrc
Set the "nocompatible filetype off" runtime path To start the vandal and to start RTP + = / / .vim / bundle / vundle.vim call vundle # start (), "Alternatively, pass a path where the wizard should install plugins" Call Wandle # Start ('~ / some / path / here') "Manage Vundle Vundle, plugin 'gmarik / Vundle.vim' plugin 'tpope / vim-sensible' Plugin 'derekwyatt / vim-scala' Plugins to the following line call wandle # end ()
Then I open the Vim, type
: Install Plugin
and my plugins are shown to be successfully installed. However, when I open Vim again, no Hing changes.
Edit: I should note that I have problems with pathogenesis, so I I do not think this is a bug in Vandl.
Edit: My .vim
and .vimrc
in /root/.vim
is; I'm running on linux.
According to the inquiry, he resolved his problem, his plug-ins were loading, but he It was not known now, because the plugins were not changing any clear, visible video settings.
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