ios - 'Invalid use of FBAppCall' error produced when sharing app - Facebook app ID is not registered as a URL Scheme -

I'm trying to use the share dialog to share my app through Facebook, with the following code :

  NSMutableDictionary & LT; FBGraphObject & gt; * Object = [FBGraphObject openGraphObjectForPostWithType: @ "whatsyourinneragefb: inner_age" Title: @ image "What's your inner age": @ "Https://fbstatic-akakamaihdknet/images/devsite/attachment_blankkpng" URL: @ "Http://sampleskogpkme/5788385l8886846" Description: @ "all people are different from you your inner age! Download now and find your address!"] ;; NSLog (@ "1"); // Create an Action NSMutableDictionary & lt; FBGraphObject & gt; * Action = [FBGFobages GraphObject]; Verb [@ "inner_age"] = @ ""; NSLog (@ "2"); [FBRequestConnection startForPostWithGraphPath: @ "fb578756542228377" graphObject: Action completionHandler: ^ (FBRequestConnection * connection, ID results, NSError * error) {// result handle}]; NSLog (@ "3"); // Link Object to Action [Action Set Object: Key for Object: @ "Whitsurinergefab: Inner_Age"]; NSLog (@ "4"); // Check if the Facebook application is installed and we can present the stock dialog FBOpenGraphActionParams * parameter = [[FBOpenGraphActionParams alloc] init]; Params.action = Action; Params.actionType = @ "whatsyourinneragefb: inner_age"; NSLog (@ "5"); // If the Facebook app is installed and we can present stock dialogue (if [FBDOlogs can: PresentersAirDialog with OpenGraphAction Paramas: Parameters]) {// Show Dialog [FBDILOOGZEditionaloglowvideoOfGraphAction: Action Action type: @ "WhitsuriRierGerFF: Inner_Age" Purwavloknproperitinam: @ "Whatsurinergefeb: Inner_age" handler: ^ (FBAppCall * Call, NSDictionary * results, NSError * error) {if (error) {// Error occurred NSLog ([NSString stringWithFormat: @ "error in publishing error story:% @", error.description]); } Else {// Success NSLog (@ "result% @", result); }}]; NSLog (@ "6"); // If the Facebook app is not installed and we can not present stock dialogs} Other {// Flickback goes here NSLog (@ "you do not have facebook!"); }  

However, when I share the application, the following error has been produced:

  FBSDKLog: Invalid use of FBAppCall, fb578756542228377 as a URL The scheme is not registered. Did you set 'facebook urlchemphx' in your plug-ins? However, the ID I use in the code is used in my info.plist file, as shown in this screenshot: 

< img src = "Https://" alt = "Enter here the image description">

Also, suggest logs the error code to generate is between logs "5" and "6" of , if it absolutely helps

Try adding another schema, like this:
