validation - Can't validate iOS app (getting already has valid certificate) -

I had installed my Mac clean while switching to Yosemite and now I have a problem submitting my iOS to the store. Has been there.

When I verify my archive, I am receiving a valid "IOS delivery certificate already in your account".

I have tried to rename and reload my certificate from member center, t work.

A very common "wow!" Have you copied items to keychain,


You forgot the private key part:

Enter the image details here

On the left is missing the open disclosure triangle and the" key "symbol is missing part, that's exactly what happened.

Solution: Repeat the triangle and highlight two parts, then click Export. Open the file on your other Mac and open it.

Also - Do not forget, in Exodus, you really have to log in these days.

Xcode - Preferences - Second Tab == Account

Image Details Here Enter

It's easy to forget, say, one of your different customer accounts.
