I am trying to import an Excel sheet into R. I used the following code:
x Unable to find a legacy method for the function (classes (classes, fdef, mtable): function '
I have no missing in that sheet.
For the purpose of re-launch, download . This "root cause" appears to have both functions and this related to you To specify the package, the code should be added to select the XLConnect :: loadWorkbook
to select the one you want in this case, there is no code, or R < The random selection of duplicated function names in / code> depends on the load order of all loaded packages. search ()
To see the order in which you entered the order The packages are checked for.
Example, above "Package: XLConnect" "Package: XLConnectJars" Package: Statistics "" Package: Graphics " [7] "Package: Datasets" "Package: Vets" [9] "Package: cgwtools" "Package: grDevices" [11] "Package: utils" "Package: Methods" [13] "Autoloads" "Package: Base"
You will see that anything in your environment ( Globelnv
) is selected first, and that all loaded libraries override the base
package, for example.
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