angularjs - Mixing a Table with Angular-UI Accordion -

I am trying to blend a table with the accordion of angular-ue, but I have a way to do this Can not understand I am not a supporter, writing instruction. I am surprised that such a bridge exists. To achieve something like this:

  & lt; Table class = "table table-hover-table-condensed" thead & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; {{Data.profile.firstname}} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; {{Data.profile.lastname}} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; {{}} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; {{Data.profile.company_name}} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; {{}} & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Toby Empordian Pass-another = "True" & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Tr ng-repeat = "customer in customer" ng-click = "goTo ('profile /' + client.username);" & Gt; - & gt; & Lt; Tr ng-repeat = "Client in Client" is an Adrian-group-open = "client.isOpen" & gt; & Lt; Accordion-title & gt; & Lt; Td> {{Client.firstname}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{Client.lastname}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{Client.company_name}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> {{}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; / Accordion-title & gt; Accordion Content & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt;  

Although this is not working: (Is there anyone who managed to achieve something like this?

I see the result when I In the table of clicks on a line, it behaves like an accordion.

In my case I could have made it a little primitive but it would be a good solution for you too.Look:

  & lt; tbody ng-repeat = "person in person; orderbyy: predicate: reverse" & Gt; & lt; tr ng-click = "isOpen =! IsOpen" & gt; & lt; TD & gt; {{person}}  gt; & lt; td & gt; {{ Person.job}} & lt; / td & gt; & lt; TD & gt; {{person gt;}  & lt; td & gt; {{person.grade}} & lt ; / Td> & lt; / tr & gt; TTNG-if = "isOpen" & gt; & lt; td> just an empty line & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / Tr> & lt; / tbody & gt;  
