I'm trying to draw a circle on the position of the marker by using the code
< Code> Private Zero Setmarker () {If (nMarker! = Null) {removeMapContents (); } Address nAddress = CommonObjects.getCurrentMyPlace (). GetPlaceAddress (); SetPlaceContents (); LatLng ll = new Latleng (nAddress.getLatitude (), nAddress.getLongitude ()); NCircle = drawCircle (ll); Marker options nMarkerOptions = new marker options () Title (nAddress.getLocality ()). Status (ll). Drug (Eligible); NMarker = Common Objects Metam () AddMarker (nMarkerOptions); } Private Circle Draw Catchical (Let Long) (Circle Option nCircleOptions = New Circle Option.) Center (ll.) Radius (Constant. Deffal_RDIUS_AVA) .Filcolor (Color Black). Stroke Colore (Constant.Defal_RADISARCOOOCOLOR). Strokewidth . Diiafelaardiaiyuesiarcom_dbluaiditiac); return normal objects. Metam (). AddCircle (nCircleOptions);}
here is the value of this class
public class Constants {public static final Inns GPS_ERRORIALOG_REQUEST = 9 001; public static final float DEFAULT_ZOOM = 5; public static final end DEFAULT_RADIUS_INDEX = 5; public static final String DEFAULT_RADIUS = "radius of 500 meters"; public static final end DEFAULT_SPINNER_INDEX = 0; public static final string DEFAULT_CONTACT = "select contact"; public static final string DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "message enter" public static final Boolean DEFA ULT_TOTIUS_VALUE = 1000; Public stable ending end DEFAULT_RADIUS_STROKE_COLOR = color BLUE; Public stable ending end DEFAULT_RADIUS_FILL_COLOR = 0x330000FF; Public stable final float DEFAULT_RADIUS_STROKE_WIDTH = 3; }
The code runs successfully and there are not errors but pulled no cycle marker position.
I have solved the problem my DEFAULT_ZOOM value was small so I increased it from 5 to 14 and Circle now displays the DEFAULT_RADIUS value with 500 meters
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