objective c - Always returning null in NSString return function -

I have the following code where I want to convert decimal barriers into partial constraints. However, the function findNeararestWholeInteger always null returns.

  - (NSString *) displayOddWithFormat: (NSString *) Add Decimal {if ([[NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @ "fractional odas"] == Yes {Float Barriers F = Add Decimal .Floaet value; Obstacles F = Odd F - 1.0 F; Return [Self-searchingestoquelenter: Obstacles F and early: Obstacles F and bottom: 1]; } And {return strange; Finding: (Float) Initial and Out: (Float) Below {NSNumber * Number} Value = [NSNumber Number Blast: Obstacles]; NSString * floatstring = [numerical string string]; NSArray * floatStringComps = [Shared Bottling from FloatString Components: @ "."]; If (floatStringComps.count == 1) {returns [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% .f /% .f", obstacles, below]; } And {below + = 1; Barriers + = Initial; [Self-finding highest integer: obstacles and initial: initial and bottom: below]; Return zero; }}  

Any ideas where I need to customize my code? thank you in advanced!

you do not want to:

  back [the highest self-finding integer : Obstacles and initial: initial and bottom: bottom]; // return zero;  

(Not that I really understand what the law is doing).
