I am trying to automate the process of mounting a particular * .vhdx file for Windows Server 2012r2. When I want to increase the manual file by GUI, everything works well. The problem occurs when I am mounting the file using mount-dismeasure Powershell CmdLet. I end up successfully growing at first glance, but when I'm trying to create a file in Disk V : \ (Which is VHDX mounted in my case) I got an error about the lack of permissions. I was thinking that somehow it was' due to wrong folders, files and discs themselves, so I run:
move / FV: \ / a / r / d y
(... to reset all permissions and provide them administrators.)
And what do you think? Yes. This did not work then I tested the SDDL string in both cases of VHDX (with manual and power-shielded CMDlett): and it is found that they are absolute identical (O: bag: Deed: AI (A; ID; FA;; WD) (A; ID; FA;; BA)). I can not get any two reasons for this reason because these two methods give me different results. And I can not find any difference in any of the disc V properties: \. Do you have any suggestions? Any ideas would be useful!
Thank you in advance for the people of your time.
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