delphi - FMX shape components does not correctly displayed on the Android platform -

As you can see, shape components with normal performance on the Windows platform, very smooth (with lines, corners and gradient effect ).

Enter image details here

But on the Android platform, You get another unacceptable result: Lines are no longer smooth, the corners can not be closed, the gradients are completely black.

Enter image details here

How to do this it happens? And how to fix it?

Here is the .fm file content:

  object form 1: tform 1 left = 0 top = 0 caption = 'form1' client height = 480 Clientwidth = 640 form factor. With = 320 form factor. Heft = 480 form factor. Devices = [Desktop] Designer Master Style = 0 Object Goalrector 1: Trondreck status. X = 40.00000000000000000000 position. Y = 16.00000000000000000000 size. Mode = 153.000000000000000000 size. Height = 65.000000000000000000 Size. Platform default = false stroke Color = clamium slotted ball stroke. Shelter = 8.000000000000000000 Final Object Pie1: TPE Status. X = 32.000000000000000000 position. Y = 96.000000000000000000 size Mode = 153.000000000000000000 size. Height = 120000000000000000 Size. Pleft default = false stroke. Color = Clatchlet Stroke. Shelter = 8.000000000000000000 Endangle = -90.0000000000000000000000 End Object Arc1: TARC Status.x = 48.000000000000000000 Status. Y = 224.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 169.000000000000000000 Size.High = 161.000000000000000000 Size. Platform Default = Falls Stroke Collar = cladpip stroke. Prevention = 10.00000000000000000000 StartAngel = 30.00000000000000000000 Endangle = 180.000000000000000000 End Object Arc2: TARC status. X = 16.000000000000000000 position. Y = 184.000000000000000000 size. With = 233.000000000000000000 size.High = 233.000000000000000000 size.platform default = defaults stroke.cand = gradients stroke.grd.point = & lt; Item Color = xFF297E72 Offset = 0.000000000000000000 End Item Color = xFFA6F2BD Offset = 1.0000000000000000000000 End & gt; Stroke Gradient.startposition.x = 0.500000000000000000 stroke.grid.startup.Y = 1.000000000000000000 stroke Gradient.StopPosition.x = 0.499999970197677600 stroke Gradient. StopPosition.Y = 0.000000000000000000 stroke. Retirement = 20.000000000000000000 stroke. Caps = round end = -90.00000000000000000000Docs believes that gradsons on strokes mean end of Android end  

does not work on anything, but Windows 2D rendering I did not know where to say. If you want to use Windows version 3D, you can:

  initialization FMX.Types.GlobalUseGPUCanvas: = True;  

You can also turn on multisamming. Lastly you can use native drawing to require it.
