android - Recycler view with volley image request (cancel request) -

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Then I am using recycler footage using the volley library as the bitmap images and images in a grid from the image To be shown.

Public Weed Abandoned Holder (Last Trending Adapter. ViewHolderHolder, Int Eye) {ImageRequest Request = New ImageViewWise (URL, New Response. Listener & lt; Bitmap> () {@ Override Public Wide On Response (bitmap bitmap) {ifHolder.getmImageView} setImageBitmap (bitmap) ;.}}}, 0, 0, null, new Response.ErrorListener () {@Override Public Zero onErrorResponse () VolleyError volleyError) {}}); . AppController.getInstance () addToRequestQueue (request); }

The problem is when I scroll down and leave one or more views before the picture is downloaded and that scene rewrote the image rewrite the reqest cancel on the resulting view in a flash of those intermediates It has not been / that image (images) loaded in that scene before the actual image

so I thought about canceling those intermediate image requests using the tag, but this So can not see how it cancels the request in parallel scenes!

In addition, when I use the volley network imageview (which automatically rejects such image itself) gives the correct result. But I need to take the color from every image bitmap so that I can not use NetworkImageView.

Q: How do I cancel all vertical volley images requsts (without leaving one and without affecting other parallel scenes) on the inflated special image view using recycling?


you should use ImageLoader instead of directly < The class to add a request for the code> RequestQueue . In this way, when returning the to obtain the images, the method will return an object of "ImageContainer .

Save it to ImageContainer in ViewHolder , and when a view is recycled, simply click on the recycled image to cancel the request. > CancelRequest () Call the method, if not yet has been done.

Take a look at the code of NetworkImageView . It works in a similar way.
