ruby on rails - Namespaced Routes give me Unitialized constant Admin::Towers -

There are two special routes that have problems with the administrator / inspection and administrator / activities when I reserve routes first. RB, whichever path I work before, but not the second, it gives me an error: "Initial stable admin :: Towers"

I have the following root setup.

  Namespace: Admin # ... etc ... resources: inspection, only: [: index, show], controller: 'tower / inspection' resource: only activities: [: index ], Controller: 'Tower / Activities' and  

As you name your resources Changed, your administrator should be inside the app / admin / admin / * and have a name, that means for inspection: class Admin :: InspectionsController

I We will estimate that you want to do the following:

  Scope / admin 'resource: inspection, only: [: index, show], controller:' tower / inspection 'resource: only activities : [: Index], Controller: End of 'Tower / Activities'  
