php - Select from two tables with INNER JOIN not functioned as expect -

I need a little help in setting up my query I just get users from the table advertise_jobs I am trying to get the same ID in the table, applicant or in other means I need to get the users who have applied on one ID to advertise_jobs Job from

This is my query

  Choose partial applicants. *, Advertise_jobs. *, Advertise to applicant INNER applicants from UID- ads_id = for group applicants .ads_id  

This is not working as it receives other jobs that the user receives this But I do not apply how I can fix my query * and * from advertisers * select * and * from advertiser * applicants * from applicants * ID_ID = UID

I think this will work

  Select the applicants partly, advertise from the applicants, advertise_jobs where applicants.uid = advertise_jobs.uid by group applicant Ads_id  
