I have a data set that, as a delimiter, double column ( ::
) How can I use Regex Surrey in the hive to parse the data so that it can be imported into a table?
The data structure is as follows:
userId :: movieId ::: :: Time
Currently I use this query I am doing this, but it taps for the selected statement:
Create table ratings_rereges (user id string, movie id string, string string, time string) line format serde 'org.apache. Serdeproperties ("input.regex" = "::") with the hasoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe 'stored in the form of a text file
Need to create a complete regular expression for the top record, and then declare the output format.
P> Example:
create table rating_reregets (userId string, movie id string, rating string, time string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive. Contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe 'with serdeproperties ("Input.regex" = "(. +) :: (. +) :: (. +) :: (. +)", "Output.format.string" = " % 1 $ s% 2 $ s% 3 $ s% 4 $ s ") file entered as text;
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