I am trying to run an LDAP query against AD so that all the email addresses for the given group are addressed Could. I tried it, but it gives me an email address for distribution, but not for the members.
I have tried this (and (object-category = group) (name = mine-test-group)), but LDAP query does not provide email for members with mail production.
I tried to use the member as an output but I got this form of CN = Smith, John, OU = Standard User, OU = Southwest, OU = Active-User, DC = Novi, DC = Net
I got the problem The problem is that members (at least in my environment) Required
So 2 stages had to first get the full ou for the given group.
(& amp; (object category = group) (cn = dg-fmog-sp-test))
and get specific name
then my The last query looks like the following and it works.
(& amp; (object category = person) (objectClass = user)) (memberOf = cn =
get more mail
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