.net - Entity Framework Database first 1 to 0..1 with designer -

I am trying to model the following:

  create table [dbo] . [Expression] [constructor [pk_expression] primary key cluster ([expression id] asc) [expression id] is not an INT identity (1, 1), [LeftOperatorId] INT zero unique, [RightOperatorId] INT NULL UNIQUE, CONSTRAINT [FK_expression_leftoperator] ] Foreign Key [LeftOperatorId]] Reference [DBO]. [Expression] ([expression id]), constructat [frk_expression_socotector] foreign key ([RightOperatorId]) reference [dbo]. [Expression] ([expression id]);  

When I change it to 1: 0..1, then the relationship within the designer fails to rebuild any of the underlying classes! The compiler also comes with the following error:

Because the dependent role properties are not the key properties, the upper limit of the dependent role should be * upper limit.

I have received an answer from Microsoft about how to create a change in the built-in XML which is actually the real way to actually work, as it seems ... does anyone How did the designer do it?
