I am trying to use the Reactive Extensions for Unity, (an improvement of Reactive Extensions for Impressions 4.5) Recognition is compatible with One, but it actually uses a simple signal.
I have written the argument to generate a stream of feature vectors in IObservable.
I want to apply the logic that looks like "Look at IObservable." When there are (initial conditions), as long as (canceled / canceled conditions), (after all circumstances) Gestures emit event. "
I can write RX expressions for each set conditions, but shout them together as if they work in this way, it is not clear to me.
// Initial condition - If the events pass by hands open to some thresholds, and the handstream to close. Buffer (2, 1). Where (H = & gt; H [0]. Pin Strength> M_Open Tath). Where (H = & gt; H [0]. Paint Strength> H [1]. Pin Strength)
// end Status - If hand threshold with some threshold handstream, then it passes through the event. Where (H = & gt; H [0]. Pin Strength & lt; m_pinchThresh)
But there is no other expression unless the first conditions have been fulfilled for the last time.
How should I get it, paradagamtically?
It looks like you need to make some sort of variation on the following query:
var query = handstream .Buffer (2, 1). Publish (BHS => Bhs. Where (H = & gt; / * Start Status * /) Select (H = & gt; BHS where to return x = & gt; / * value * /) .tecuntil (bhs where (x => / * stop condition * /)))). Switch ();
It basically looks for your initial position and then returns an observation that will interest you to the interesting situation unless there is any interest in your situation. . Switch ()
method switch to the previous "switch back" (last one to switch off). It is worth playing with the operator because it is very powerful.
> Can not require. Publish (...) operator based on your initial stream.
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