What is Federated and Alternate Exchange in RabbitMQ -

I have found two links on these exchanges and can not find what the author was trying to say. There is no other consideration related to these two exchange and there is another question

Is there an exchange in which if the customer with the routing key is not found then the message is not stored in the queue, and when the corresponding routing key is received Is it ready to fetch it?

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The Federal Exchange is used to copy messages from a RabbitMQ server to another in a remote machine.

An alternate exchange is there to route messages to route messages, because the messages are not tied to the routing key. Definitely you are asked to create an exchange, and then add it as an alternative alternative to the exchange where you publish your message.

Using an alternative exchange and binding a line, you can get messages that will not be queued in them and can not be consumed, but once you get lost If you add a routing key, then there is no functionality again in the path again. You can only consume those messages and republish them.
