javascript - Change the date to UNIX timestamp in all stock quotes for highstock -

I want to create a stock quote article (downloaded from Yahoo Finance as CSV and changed to JSNA array), But the date standard format (mm / day / yay) but the histox only works in Unix timestamps (I think). Please tell me how to change the entire code in time format. I know about the date. Similar () but I do not know how to implement it for the entire data. Please help me with code

  $ (function () {$ .getJSON ('http: // www Create / samples / data / jsonp.php? A = e & amp; filename = aapl-ohlc.json & callback =? ', Function (data) {// chart $ (' # container '). High Chart ({Stock Type}, {rangeSelector: {inputEnabled: $ ('# container') ({Apple stock price}}, series: [{type: 'candlestick', name: 'APL stock price', data: [/ Y: [Open, high, lo, clause] / * May 2006 * / [date.pra E ("8/2/2012"), 602.84, 610.69, 600.25, 607.79, 83039600], [Date PRS ("8/3/2012"), 613.63, 617.98, 611.56, 615.7, 86230200], [Date PRSE ("8/6/2012"), 617.29, 624.87, 615.26, 622.55, 75525800], [Date ("8/7/1/2012"), 622.77, 62 5, 618.04, 620.91, 72611700] [" 8/7/2012 ", 622.77, 625, 618.04, 620.91, 72611700], [" 8/6/2012 ", 617.2 9, 624.87, 615.26, 622.55, 75525800], [" 8/3/2012 ", 613.63, 617.98, 611.56, 615.7, 86230200], ["8/2/2012", 602.84, 610.6 9, 600.25, 607.79, 83039600], ["8/1/2012", 615.91, 616.4, 603, 606.81, 96125400]] , Datamhuhing: {units: [['week', // unit name [1] / multiple permission], ['month', [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]]]}}}}) ; }); });  

I'm inputting data manually, I still do not know the use of sample data

  $ .getJSON ('http: // Www / samples / data / jsonp.php? A = e and file name = AAPL-oscillations and callback =? ', Function (data) { 

When you get data from JSN, you will have to use your date for timestamp in preprocessing. Any Mr. use Loop / status, including the right values.
