issueprop = "text">
Issue: I have a table, it is called all the columns with attributes (table name, column name) among others.
Now, what I want to achieve, is to prepare a selection statement for each record of this table. In the pseudocode: In the (table, column) for
(select the table name, column name from AllColumns), select the 'Table', the column from the table where ' Can you help with% blah% 'column
You can use the WHILE
loop and a temporary table, then you To bring all records into a temporary table and then to select the loop through the record or you want to execute any process, as follows;
DECLARE @TempTable TABLE (ID INT INTITY 1,1), table Vararar (100), Column Vararar (100)) Insert in the @TempTable SELECT table; Column DECLARE @ LOOP INT DECLARE @COUNT INT SET @LOOP = 0 SET @COUN = 1 SELECT @LOOP = COUNT (1) to @TempTable WHILE @COUNT & lt; = @LOOP BEGIN @TempTable Select the column where the column '% blah%' and id = @COUNT SET @COUNT = @COUNT + 1END
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