code translation - setting up LESS file watcher in webstorm -

If I add a "file watch" then The latest file has become a "node" and The CSS file is created inside it.

The macro system makes me feel a little hard, I'm just inside the "style". Want to create css file In the witch in the folder. The file is missing.

Basically now I have such structure:

  root | Style | -style.less | -style.css  

And my goal is to get a structure like this:

  root | Style | -style.less | -style.css  

Any suggestions?

You have to edit the 'file alert', the setting is 'logic' which is Lessc comes after the command. Insert something like this:

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ filename name specialty $. Css

This should create your output file (.css) in the same directory.
