I have added an important value that is defined below, which can be used for selection using the ng-option I'm using this key value pair to display the selection box in the ng-option Now if I set the NG-model i.e .. Note SCENARIO I'm looking at this in a more common way , A filter to do this SCENARIO Historical data in the database, which has some garbage and some good data each For the garbage value, I have to show the valid value to choose along with the current garbage value, so the end users have to fix it.
& lt; Ng-model = "selected bucket" ng- options = "multiple =" multiple "& gt; for row in row.value rows.display as bucketEnum & Lt; / Select & gt;
$ scope.selectedBucket = 10
, I want to display the text error $ scope.BucketEnum
is not in the array value for all values error
What is possible to show.
Will this satisfy your needs?
app.filter ('bootstrap value', function () {Return function (initial, basebucket) {var for results = []; (var i = 0; i & lt; initial.length; i ++) for {var flag = false; (var j = 1; j & lt; basebucket.length; J ++) {// 1 or 0. If you Call (initial [i] === basebket [j] value) {flag = true; result push (basebacket [j]); break; // if there are duplicated elements}} if (! Flag) result Push (baseback [0])} return result;};});
Use it to start the selected bucket in your controller:
// settings initials $ scope.selectedBucket = $ filter ('bootstrapValues' ) (InitialSet, $ Scope.bucketEnum);
Does this help?
EDIT: There have been some changes here, if the price is not in the bucket, then it adds the element to the list with the error list and as a selected value.
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