objective c - How to create an empty ios project in xcode 6? -

I am using xcode 6 and now they do not have an "empty project" option while creating a new project, Just look at a single one ... is there any alternative to getting it or has it gone and I need to deal with it?

Thanks a bunch

You need to deal with it, but it's easy is. Start with a Single View app Delete the storyboard and remove its reference in Info.plist (so that there are no main storyboard anymore) If you wish, then delete the view controller class too. DidFinishLaunchingWithOption: Now do everything from scratch to application for app representative in bus. Just as you did in Xcode 5,

I'm using Swift these days, so I'll show you like a pure code app representative Launch Swift; I'm sure you can translate into Objective-C:

  Import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {var window: UIWindow? Fun Application (Application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) - & gt; Boole {self.window = UIWindow (frame: UIScreen.mainScreen () range.) Self.window.rootViewController = ViewController () // or whatever you say it self.window.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor () self.window ! ! .makeAdVEVABLE () return)}  
