java - Undertow HTTPS listener -

I'm trying to serve a simple 'Hello World'! Response to HTTPS with self-signed certificate using embedded server Although I get the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH on the client (Chrome) and SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in general not in the server log .

It looks like the addition of the KeyManager [] array is required to provide the TLS protocol, but I do not know where I should keep it. Example is an example of a similar test using the Jettie server (available to prove that this certificate is good).

This change in code has worked for me:

  SSLContext SslContext = SSLContext.getInstance ("TLS"); SslContext.init (getKeyManagers (), blank, blank); Undertow. Builder () AddHttpsListener (10443, "", SSL Context) ...  
