How to configure Intellij for Tabs to Spaces for Only Certain File types -

Most of the file types should be replaced by the tabs in the blank space, though not in the Markdown I went to the Markdown specific file type and to optimize it I see the limited capacity of Is there any way to define file type-specific editing behavior in Intellij?

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IntelliJ generally allows you to set the indentation settings per language in the code style section of settings as far as I know that Markdown has not been excluded from the box and should be installed through the support plugin. But plugin does not seem to enable code style configuration for Markdown.

So the only solution I can think is to set the code as the default indentation in the normal section of the style settings and then override it to the empty space for different languages ​​(but this It may not be necessary because the code style settings for different languages ​​will keep the blank space by default).

One downside of this is that if you work with some file type other than Markdown which is not originally supported in IntelliJ, it will use the tab even if you open that filetype for Use the location.

Alternatively, you can also create a feature request for this functionality in the IntelliJ or the Markdown plugin.
