After the
I search for a word in the slide show and then go to that slide and format some of the VBA code in PowerPoint I'm trying to word somehow so that it stands out. So far I used to add an ActiveX text box and the code below:
private sub TextBox1_KeyDown (ByVal as keycode MSForms.ReturnInteger, slide shift byval) As Integer The dim oshp form osld dims dimmed as the b_found form boolean if keyCode = 13, then 'I.extBox1.Text & lt; & Gt; "" Then for each osld in ActivePresentation.Slides for each oshp in osld.Shapes oshp.HasTextFrame then oshp.TextFrame.HasText Then InStr (UCase (oshp.TextFrame.TextRange), UCase (Me.TextBox1.Text ))> 0 then SlideShowWindows (1) .View.GotoSlide (osld.SlideIndex) Me.TextBox1.Text = "" b_found exit = True End If End If Next oshp finally b_found then = truth osld exit Next Then the end b_found = false then the MsgBox "did not get" mean the last if End Sub
it works fine to find the slide with the word but the word is not formatted. Any ideas ??
After the
Here is an example that you can take different and use pieces of:
as dim OSL as slide as dull text range in size dim oTxtRng as dim Oas stextToFind string sTextToFind = "text" for each OSL in ActivePresentation. If slides for each OS OSl.Shapes oSh.HasTextFrame And if oSh.TextFrame .HasText And if InStr (Osaf. Tekstfrem. Text range. Text, sTextToFind) & gt; 0 then set oTxtRng = debug oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters (InStr (Osaf. Testfrem. Tekstrenj. Text, Testfotofnd), Lane (Steksttofid)). Print OCTIC RG Text with OText RNG. Font. Basically, this is the idea that to find the text (as you have already done), then get a boundary that represents the text found and formats the boundary for the suit. In this case, make it bold.
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