managing existing hosts with vagrant bypassing the provider -

I am managing some web services with SSH on various fixed hosts. I wanted to use immigration so that I could edit local files and automatically sync them. Although I am having problems because I am not using any provider or box, it is a definite host and it seems that I am going against the purpose of Yermet.

Here's My Valgrind:

  # - * - Mode: Ruby - * - # Vi: Set Feet = Ruby: # Warranty File API / Syntax Version Until You Not Do not touch what you are doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Warrant. Configure (VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION). Configure | = ... config.ssh.username = ... config.ssh.private_key_path = ".ssh / id_rsa" config.vm.synced_folder "src /", "..." = "Myhost" config.vm.provision: shell ,: path = & gt; "" end  

And here is my file:

  pipe install flask sqlalchemy  

But I can not leave the charge (with the virtual box or so)

OK, because it always To force it to fight against your tool is forcing it to compel it to have a bad idea.

Perhaps there was a way to use a zero-box, but there is too much to keep the immigration bus 2 Synchronize the directory I found this good that only for all the providers / provisioning etc. without synchronization It's like the desired.
