internet explorer - google chrome td Html tables issue -

Maybe my question has been repeated, but please read my question carefully and give me suggestions, thanks in advance .

I am a web developer, in one page I have a table that has been created by the data of jQuery data This table is completely populated. But unfortunately there are 2 problems: <- If I put the table-layout: this table will be stretched out of the divisor itself, if I do not come, and put the table-layout: the columns in the table overlap I'll tell you that there are two expandable block columns in my table, which are close to the default position, but after the click, it is expanded. 2- I have no problem with overflow: automatic but this feature does not work.

Border : I'm looking for a table with one line for each line. The word bore is not acceptable to me.

All these problems exist in IE 9 and Google Chrome and I have a problem with donut in Firefox.

Any sugai will be appreciated.
