When you want to add text using a code, there are a few simple ways to do this when using R markdown
This is also very simple for tables using the kable
However, imagine that you want to programmatically place headers or lists in your report (in I_list_a)
`` {r, result = Asis'} header = list ("we", "are", "your", "friend") {#add i as header} ``
and you want it to be The RMD file will be like the following:
# we # your friends
will have to create an auto header instead of another example list:
`` `{r, result = 'asis'} list_a = before this list (" The same as writing {`print_print i} in rmd list}` ``
for "we", "are", "your", "friend") (in i_list_a) The result should be:
* we are * your * friends
This is not just a formatting problem in the form of tables according to these headers RMD files are dynamically created in the context of.
You need to build your desired markdown in R and logic in your chunk options Use together with results = 'asis'
. Therefore, some of the following will do what you want:
`` {r, result = 'asis'} heading & lt; - ("" "(" # "," "," "" (for " P> Here will create output for loop # we are # your friends
which is used as input directly in the .rmd document
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