javascript - What does "@" and "=" mean in the angularJS scope? -


A snippet looks like this:

 {Code> angular.module ('angucomplete', []). Directive ('enclosures', function ($ parse, $ http, $ sce, $ timeout) {return {restricted: 'EA', area: {"id": "@ place", "placeholder": "placeholder", " "@field": "@ Description", "Imagefield": "@IZfield": "@field": "@ Object": "= Selected Object", "URL": "@ Aral", "Datafield": "@fieldfield", "titlefield": "@titlefield" "@searchfields", "minlengthUser": "@searchfields": "@Eyzurry", "InputClass": "@inputclass", "userPause": "stop", "localdata": "@localaccata", "searchfilds" : "@Minimal Langham", "Mail I do not understand the magic  @  and  =  is the strike. NG. Is this a special character in the AngularJS? (I'm not sure because the sign in Google is difficult to find ..) If so, what is the use of it?   

When creating instructions in angular journals, these two special characters often @ and = .

angularjs Use @ in the command
  app.directive ("directive1", function () {w C {restricted: "E" template: "& lt; P & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; ", Scope: {text:" @ text "}}}}); & lt; directive1 text =" use of angles in the command "& gt; & lt; / directive1 & gt;   

Any change in the original parent text here will replace the local scope text, but will not be in other ways.

= is used by "e" Template: "& lt; P & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; ", scope: {Score: {@} text:" = text "}}}}); & lt; directive1 text =" use = angularjs instructions "in & gt; & lt; / directive1 & Gt;

Any change in the original parent text here will replace the local scope text as welcomed in another way.
